CVS: Creating custom filters for coupons on D&R page

Mar 22, 2023

Enhancing Coupon Filtering Experience on D&R Website

CVS: Creating custom filters for coupons on D&R page

Mar 22, 2023

Enhancing Coupon Filtering Experience on D&R Website

CVS: Creating custom filters for coupons on D&R page

Mar 22, 2023

Enhancing Coupon Filtering Experience on D&R Website

Enhancing Coupon Filtering Experience on D&R Website.

This case study aims to address the issue of customers having to scroll through numerous coupons on the D&R website to find what they are interested in. By implementing an efficient coupon filtering system, we can enhance the user experience and make it easier for customers to locate the coupons they desire quickly.

Competition Research: Target and Amazon

As part of my UX website case study, a crucial aspect was conducting a thorough analysis of competitors in the online retail space. In this section, the findings from my competition research on two major players: Target and Amazon. This research aimed to identify best practices, innovative features, and potential areas of improvement that could inspire the coupon filtering system.

Wireframe and Prototyping:

Develop wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualize the proposed filtering system. Conduct usability testing sessions to gather feedback and iterate on the design.

Introduce Filtering Options: Implement a comprehensive set of filtering options such as category, brand, discount type, expiration date, and popularity.

  1. Clear and Accessible Filter Interface: Design a user-friendly and visually appealing filter interface that is easy to locate and use.

  2. Personalized Filters: Allow users to save their preferred filters for future visits, providing a personalized experience.

  3. Search Functionality: Incorporate a search bar to enable users to search for specific keywords or coupon codes.

  4. Visual Feedback: Provide visual cues to indicate active filters and the number of results matching the selected criteria.

Analyzing the competition, particularly Target and Amazon, provided valuable insights into industry best practices and innovative features. By leveraging these findings, we can refine our coupon filtering system and create a more user-friendly and efficient experience for our customers.

Prototype, Implementation and Testing:

Collaborate with the development team to implement the finalized design. Conduct extensive testing to ensure the filtering system is functional, intuitive, and meets users' needs. Continuously gather user feedback and make necessary improvements.


By addressing the issue of overwhelming coupon selection and introducing a robust filtering system, the D&R website can significantly enhance the user experience. Customers will be able to find relevant coupons more efficiently, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and engagement.

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Rotimi Davids


(404) 482 7268


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Ready to elevate your business with exceptional digital design? Let's start a conversation and bring your vision to life. Reach out today and let's make an impact together.

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Rotimi Davids


(404) 482 7268


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